Apa kabar dunia...
maafkn aq temen2...aq tidak bermaksud melarikan diri, dan kalo ada temen2 yg mengira saya sudah ada di dunia lain, itu salah besar..sekali lagi itu SALAH..
Alhamdulillah saya masih bisa brnafas dan masih di beri umur panjang sama Allah SWT..
buat temen2 yg sudah mampir dan sdah memfollow, oh ya ampe lupa.. dan yg sudah ngucapin met ultah buat aq.. makasih buanyak ya.... kalian adalah sodara2 yg trbaik buatQ *Big HUGS for All* aq minta maaf lom bisa brkunjung balik dan memfollow balik...
oh ya....
ini yg terpenting.. temen2 bantu aq ya... aq lagi DILEMA.
please chose one
A ) aq tetep ngeblog di rumah ini
B ) aq pindah rumah ke wordpress
C ) tinggalin aja dunia ngeblog
D ) terserah aq alias g mo pilih
ok itu pilihannya... please pilihin satu yg trbaik buat aq ya.....
ok Prend aq tunggu pilihannya ya....
*Big Big Hugs untuk semuanya*
aku juga punya blog di wordpress,,tapi ngga jalan,,ngga bisa aku,,heheheh,,kebanyakan yang diikutin,,hewhehehehehe,,emng kemen aja mba ?
BalasHapuspindah yang berbayar aja buuu,,,
BalasHapuskan sekarang murah-murah tho..
sampek2 ada yang di obral :D
salam kenal buu
lam kenal.........
BalasHapuspilihlah sesuatu dengan hati, dan jangan menyesall karena salah pilih............
dimana rumah kita, itulah yang akan kita tempati, jadi pilihlah yang senyaman mungkin
pilih B pindah wp pastinya :)
BalasHapusdi sini aja kak :) nggak usah pindah, tapi bikin lagi di tempat lain. hiihihiii...
BalasHapustetap ngeblog, tapi jangan buat kegiatan ini jadi hal yang utama, biar gak tertekan heuheuheu ...
BalasHapuskalau pindah ke wordpress harus nyari tetangga baru donk, mendingan di rumah yang lama aja, biar selalu dikunjungi mahluk (gak) kece kayak saya :P
BalasHapusBlog Anda mendapatkan AWARD!
Untuk Informasi lebih lanjut, kunjungi link ini: http://tipspack.blogspot.com/2009/05/award-quw-yang-pertama_09.html
gw pilih
disini aja nggak usah kemana-mana. Disini aja udah mantap, kalau mau bikin 2 aja
BalasHapus'rumahku istana ku'
BalasHapuskalo aq liat c u nda bisa jauh dari ortu.... coba deh klo ngak percaya
smoga kita berjodoh ya.... he.he.he....
kunjung balik dong blog kita.. n salam kenal.. tukeran link yuk
tetep A dong yang dipilih
BalasHapusaq setuju dg pilihan A !
BalasHapuskalu boleh gue usul...pake yang ini aja...
BalasHapusbiar gak ribet...
tapi kalau bisa kedua2nya ok juga tuh...
Teruskan dengan Blogger... =)
BalasHapusapa pun pilihannya 1untuk kita semua
BalasHapusslm kenal
'rumahku istana ku'
BalasHapuskalo aq liat c u nda bisa jauh dari ortu.... coba deh klo ngak percaya
smoga kita berjodoh ya.... he.he.he....
kunjung balik dong blog kita.. n salam kenal.. tukeran link yuk
Teruskan dengan Blogger
kerja keras adalah energi kita
Hamas' Christian convert: I've left a society that sanctifies terror
BalasHapusBy Avi Issacharoff (Haaretz.com)
A moment before beginning his supper, Masab, son of West Bank Hamas leader Sheikh Hassan Yousef, glances at the friend who has accompanied him to the restaurant where we met. They whisper a few words and then say grace, thanking God and Jesus for putting food on their plates.
It takes a few seconds to digest this sight: The son of a Hamas MP who is also the most popular figure in that extremist Islamic organization, a young man who assisted his father for years in his political activities, has become a rank-and-file Christian. "I'm now called Joseph," he says at the outset.
Masab knows that he has little hope of returning to visit the Holy Land in this lifetime.
"I know that I'm endangering my life and am even liable to lose my father, but I hope that he'll understand this and that God will give him and my family patience and willingness to open their eyes to Jesus and to Christianity. Maybe one day I'll be able to return to Palestine and to Ramallah with Jesus, in the Kingdom of God."
Nor does he attempt to hide his affection for Israel, or his abhorrence of everything representing the surroundings in which he grew up: the nation, the religion, the organization
"Send regards to Israel, I miss it. I respect Israel and admire it as a country," he says.
"You Jews should be aware: You will never, but never have peace with Hamas. Islam, as the ideology that guides them, will not allow them to achieve a peace agreement with the Jews. They believe that tradition says that the Prophet Mohammed fought against the Jews and that therefore they must continue to fight them to the death."
Is that the justification for the suicide attacks?
"More than that. An entire society sanctifies death and the suicide terrorists. In Palestinian culture a suicide terrorist becomes a hero, a martyr. Sheikhs tell their students about the 'heroism of the shaheeds.'"
And yet, in spite of the criticism of the place he left, California can't make the longings disappear.
"I miss Ramallah," he says. "People with an open mind. ... I mainly miss my mother, my brothers and sisters, but I know that it will be very difficult for me to return to Ramallah soon."
Open the eyes of the your heart – Jesus Love you!
pelajarilah apa yang akan kamu gunakan nanti.
BalasHapuspercuma kamu sibuk dengan sesuatu yang pada akhirnya tak kamu gunakan sama sekali.
aku C cind,,,hehhhe.
BalasHapuswoii yg Pr. conde itu , dy yg follow ato ckmn
jujur aja bu'
BalasHapustujuan waktu pertama kali buat blog...
itu yang penting!
jawaban aq D Salam kenal..
yup,pilih d pastinya... sekedar saran saja tetap ngeblog tp bebas pilih mana....intinya bs saling berbagi...
BalasHapussalam kenal
yang A aja mbak
BalasHapusWah tulisannya bagus bagus mba, sayang kalo engga diterusin ngeblog nya.. kalimat artikelnya juga familiar..